
Interview with Naffa and Vira

Let’s start with an introduction

Naffa: My name is Najma Fairus Handoko and my nickname is Naffa. I live in Semarang, which is in Indonesia. My hobbies are drawing, lettering and art generally.

Vira: My name is Viralaksmi Wicaksono, but you can just call me Vira. I was born and live in Semarang, Indonesia too. Right now I am 17 years old and I enjoy sightseeing downtown and going someplace and eating, playing games, watching movies or something like that.

Ok, thank you. Now name one of the things in Germany you found the most interesting.

Naffa: It’s hard to choose. I found everything interesting and really beautiful.

Vira: I really liked the Michel.

What is the biggest difference between Indonesia and Germany?

Naffa: Of course the culture.

Vira: And also the education system is really different.

Naffa: Also the cars! In Indonesia we drive on the left side and here you drive on the right side.

Vira: And the toilets are kind of different.

What are some important things to know about Indonesia?

Naffa: Indonesia is in a  archipelago country, so we have around 17.000 islands. So to travel from island to island you have to take the plane or ship. There are also many Moslems in Indonesia and therefore a lot of Mosques, so when it is time to pray, there will be an Adzan, which means “call from God to remind you to pray”.

Vira: Also Bali is a part of Indonesia. Many people think that Bali doesn’t belong to Indonesia. So you ask them “Do you know Indonesia?” and they say they don’t. But if you ask “Do you know Bali” they react like “Yes, of course!”.

How long was the journey from Indonesia to Germany?

Naffa: By plane it is about 18 hours. But if you transit it will be more.

Vira: It took us almost a whole day!

That’s very long. What was the first thing you learned about Germany?

Naffa: Well the first place I learned about was Berlin and Hamburg. We also went to Berlin. And we learned about the flag.

Vira: The importance of soccer was the first thing I learned about.

What part of Hamburg did you like best?

Vira: My favorite place is Poppenbüttel and the Michel.

Naffa: My favorite places are the harbour and the Elbphilharmonie.

But I like Poppenbüttel too, because it is not as crowded as the city and very clean and beautiful.

Do you miss Indonesian food here?

Vira and Naffa: Yes.

Vira: I really miss a food we call “ayam geprek”. It is like smashed chicken. I really like the seasoning, especially the spicy bit and salt and oil.

What would be your typical breakfast in Indonesia?

Naffa: I usually  eat rice with sunny eggs. But sometimes I just drink milk.

Vira: Me too. And I always drink milk and eat rice in the mornings and some “tempe” and “tahu”.

What are tempe and tahu?

Vira: Tempe is a traditional Indonesian food, made from soy-beans and it is framanted. And tahu is basically like Tofu.

What did you expect before the trip? And did those expectations come true?

Naffa: I expected really cold weather, but its actually not that cold. Also I expected Germans to be really strict (laughs), but they are not of course. Just some people.

Yes, of course not everybody is strict.  Well, that was it, thank you for the nice interview!

Naffa and Vira: Thank you!

Reporter: Lina Beikler